Jonny Bruce & Amelia Groom
Sunday February 19th, 2017
Rongwrong invites you to two special talks by Jonny Bruce and Amelia Groom.
The afternoon starts at 3.00 pm, with:
3.30 pm: Jonny Bruce: 'Cultivating the Unexpected, Views from an Artist's Garden'
4.30 pm: Amelia Groom: 'Pink piss turned to amethysts'
Jonny Bruce is an art historian and gardener. He has worked for varied gardens such as the Renaissance style garden in Villa La Pietra in Florence. Bruce is als Christopher Lloyd Scholar werkzaam bij Great Dixter House & Gardens in Engeland. In his spare time, he takes care of the garden of Prospect Cottage. Bruce publishes The Germ, a publication exploring those moments at which art, horticulture and the natural world collide and coalesce.
Amelia Groom is an art writer and educator living in Amsterdam. She wrote a doctoral dissertation in the Art History & Theory department at the University of Sydney, where she also held a teaching fellowship. She edited the anthology TIME (Documents of Contemporary Art / Whitechapel Gallery & MIT Press, 2013), and her writing has appeared in Frieze, e-flux journal, Metropolis M and others.
These talks take place as part of Rongwrongs public program For Fans and Scholars, departing from the exhibition All Heal (Valerian)’and each time highlighting one aspect of this gathering of works and voices. \\ Made possible with the generous support of the Amsterdam Fonds voor de Kunst, Mondriaan Fund \\